Articles by

Bo Zaunders

A Glimpse at Gloucester

A Glimpse at Gloucester

Friends of ours had invited my wife and me to a three-night stay in Gloucester, Massachusetts. They were housesitting for an old friend whose seafront home was well-equipped and spacious enough to accommodate several guests. We accepted, and, having arrived, we embarked on a number of excursions in what prides itself for being the oldest fishing port in America.

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BJÖRK: A Taste of Sweden in Midtown Manhattan

BJÖRK: A Taste of Sweden in Midtown Manhattan

Nothing could have been more Swedish. Food apart, the cups, the plates, the cutlery, everything came from Sweden – including Orrefors and Costa Boda glassware. Even the dining room had a clean, functional, very Nordic look about it. I’m referring to Björk, the café and bistro that recently opened on the ground floor of Scandinavia House on Park Avenue at 38th Street in New York City.

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