Avoid Bedbugs While Traveling

Unfortunately, bedbugs are a reality these days, and it can be very difficult to get rid of them. But don’t panic! I even got them in my apartment (presumably from a package that was delivered, as I hadn’t traveled recently), and spraying did kill them because we caught it quickly.

I now keep the legs of my bed in trays that prevent bedbugs from traveling up the legs, and I make sure that nothing they could climb touches my bed. Maybe it’s paranoid, but it’s the only way I know to ensure I don’t get them on my bed. I also have a bedbug cover on my mattress.

You might think a 5-star hotel would be immune, but bedbugs don’t arrive because a property is dirty. They travel where humans will be because when they bite us, they drink our blood. So if someone has brought them into a luxury hotel, they may still be there. While they can bite at any time, they tend to be more active in the wee hours.

That said, one of the reasons I choose 4-star and 5-star hotels whenever possible is that they do inspect their rooms more often and take precautions against bedbug outbreaks. This doesn’t happen at lesser properties. The only hotels where I have been bitten have been 3-star or 2-star places.

But what can you do to avoid coming home with these horrible insects? No matter where you’re staying – whether it’s a hostel or a 5-star hotel – always lift up the sheets to inspect the mattress. Look at the seams for dark insects or traces of blood left by previously bitten guests. You might also want to check behind pictures on the wall.

Mattress. Photo by sensopur.

Then, don’t put items on the floor, as the bugs can crawl across rugs. They’re less likely to be on the tile in the bathroom, so I often keep my suitcase in there. I put my shoes and other items on a credenza or table rather than on fabric-covered furniture. This is no guarantee, of course, but I’m told they’re less likely to be on these surfaces.

The first time I was bitten in a hotel, I put all of my items, including my wallet and purse into the dryer at its highest setting. I also threw away my suitcase (cheaper than an exterminator). It seems that even if you vacuum a suitcase, the bugs can live in the vacuum cleaner and escape into your home.

Don’t try putting anything in the freezer, as bedbugs can live in cold. It’s the heat of the dryer that will kill them.

If you do find that you get bitten at home, get a certified bedbug cover for your mattress immediately, put your sheets and pillows in the dryer right away, and get the trays to place under the feet of your bed. If your bed doesn’t have feet, you will need to hire an exterminator. In the worst case scenario, you might have to replace your bed with one that has feet so that you can use the trays.

It’s preferable to get a bed with metal legs, as bedbugs apparently find it harder to climb on metal than wood. Don’t use a bed skirt, and don’t allow sheets or blankets to touch the floor! Also pull your bed away from the wall.

How do you know if you’ve been bitten by a bedbug and not something else? It can be a bit difficult to tell since people react to the bites differently, but a telltale sign is three bites in close proximity. They call this “breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

I don’t mean to scare you, as you can get rid of them. But you need to act fast because once they have increased their numbers too much, you’ll find it more difficult to eliminate them. If the infestation is bad enough, you might have to get fumigation or heat treatments done.

Besides travel, thrift shop or curbside furniture, luggage, musical instruments, electronics, and other items can be notorious for bringing bedbugs into your home. For this reason, I rarely buy anything at a thrift shop anymore.

But don’t let the fear of these nasty buggers make you afraid to travel. I haven’t been bitten in years, so it doesn’t happen as often as we’re made to think. Still, it pays to take precautions, and no matter where I stay, I always do.

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Melanie Votaw is the Publisher and Executive Travel Writer of LuxuryWeb Magazine. She has visited more than 50 countries on 6 continents and written for such magazines as Executive Travel, Just Luxe, Business Insider, South China Morning Post, Travel Mindset, and more. She is a member of the International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association and the International Travel Writers Alliance. Melanie's photography has won awards, and she has also written 39 nonfiction books as either the author or ghostwriter.


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