2 CDC Apps Help You Stay Healthy While Traveling Internationally

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have mobile apps that can help you stay safe when traveling, especially when in developing countries.

TravWell is a fully customizable to do and packing list, along with emergency service phone numbers for every destination. It provides vaccine recommendations for your destination and allows you to store travel documents and a record of your immunizations. Do you know how to pack a travel health kit? You’ll find out with this app.

Can I Eat This? includes authoritative recommendations from the CDC about what’s safe to consume and what isn’t. You select the country you’re in and answer a few simple questions. Then, you’ll get information about how to avoid traveler’s diarrhea.

Just search the titles in the app store on your phone.

On the CDC’s website, you’ll find a wealth of information about healthy travel, such as how to prevent bug bites and the latest information about the Zika virus. It’s an invaluable resource that every international traveler should know about and access. Where are you going next, and how will you avoid getting sick?

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Melanie Votaw is the Publisher and Executive Travel Writer of LuxuryWeb Magazine. She has visited more than 50 countries on 6 continents and written for such magazines as Executive Travel, Just Luxe, Business Insider, South China Morning Post, Travel Mindset, and more. She is a member of the International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association, New York Travel Writers Association, and International Travel Writers Alliance. Melanie's photography has won awards, and she has also written 43 nonfiction books as either the author or ghostwriter.


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