Travel News & Advice – September 17, 2024


American Airlines news: Did you know that flight attendants aren’t paid for their time during boarding? I was shocked to learn this. But American Airlines flight attendants just signed a new contract that will get them paid for this time.

Delta Airlines news: Delta is doing away with its daytime flights from NYC to Paris. This is bad news for those who prefer the daytime flights as a way of beating jetlag.

Airplane. Stock photo.

Plane safety: MIT conducted a study of data from 2018 to 2022 and discovered that flying is safer than ever. They found that we each have a 13.7 million chance of dying on an aircraft. I’ll take those odds.

Investigation of frequent flyer programs: The US Department of Transportation is investigating large US airlines (Delta, American, Southwest, and United) to make sure their frequently flyer programs are fair to consumers. Good!

Free in-flight Wi-Fi? It looks like US airlines are moving toward free Wi-Fi on planes. United is testing this throughout 2025 and planning to roll it out for free in 2026. Meanwhile, Delta is rolling it out gradually, and JetBlue already has it.


More over-tourism news: In another country’s effort to cut down on the number of tourists converging on popular destinations, Greece is planning to charge cruise passengers 20 Euros each to visit Santorini and Mykonos during the busy summer season.

Cruise news: While sailing in Alaska earlier this month, a Carnival Spirit cruise ship hit “an errant piece of drifting ice.” Luckily, after hours of holding still for an assessment of damage, the ship was determined to be unharmed, and no passengers were hurt.

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Melanie Votaw is the Publisher and Executive Travel Writer of LuxuryWeb Magazine. She has visited more than 50 countries on 6 continents and written for such magazines as Executive Travel, Just Luxe, Business Insider, South China Morning Post, Travel Mindset, and more. She is a member of the International Food, Wine & Travel Writers Association and the International Travel Writers Alliance. Melanie's photography has won awards, and she has also written 39 nonfiction books as either the author or ghostwriter.


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