Time Traveling in Cambridge, England

“It’s so close to London. Come visit!” insisted my great-niece. “You can get around on foot or by bike on the cobblestones.”

That sounded dandy, so off we went to Cambridge, England, a college town my niece assured us was full of history and charm.

She had that right! The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have quite a city for themselves. This university town, which inspired Catherine’s and William’s royal titles, is only 50 miles from London – great for a day trip or overnight stay.

It’s perfect for relaxing walks and museum visits surrounded by medieval buildings and extensive green spaces.

Cambridge University. All photos by Norma Davidoff or courtesy of Visit Britain.

The Campuses

How did it feel to be in the same spaces as DNA discoverers Francis Crick and James D. Watson, economist John Maynard Keynes, novelist E.M. Forster, and actor Dudley Moore, who are all Cambridge grads? Energizing, actually.

All around are stately buildings from the Middle Ages on. The great stone edifices that comprise the 31 colleges have elaborate, carved wooden doorways that grace entrances.

Everything is landscaped in an English garden way with hydrangeas, daisies, and fuchsias bordering the buildings. Lush grasses flourish in the courtyards, often the size of football fields or tennis courts.

But beware! Visitors are forbidden to walk on the grass. This is a privilege reserved for students.

We particularly liked Christ College, where scientists Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin, as well as actors John Cleese and Emma Thompson, studied. Speaking of Darwin, we purposely went to see his digs at Christ College, which date from 1450.

“C. Darwin” remains written on the entrance of his three-story dormitory. Further into the squares and buildings of Christ College grows the famous mulberry tree that John Milton wrote about.

The statue of Darwin at Cambridge University. All photos by Norma Davidoff or courtesy of Visit Britain.

This garden’s plants resemble those Darwin found during his historic voyage of discovery. The garden holds a life-sized sculpture of Darwin as a student sitting on a bench. We were lucky that visitors are welcome to walk the grounds and climb the stairs to Darwin’s room.

In a constellation of star-power buildings, King’s College glitters prominently. Founded in the 15th century, its late English Gothic structures are imposing. The college’s crowning glory is the chapel commissioned by the Crown: several King Henrys planned it.

In between doing away with a few wives, Henry VIII saw it through to completion. Touring that building alone would have been enough!


Nothing says Cambridge like a punt on the Backs. So we treated Nina and her husband Justin to a punt with us.

Punts are wooden boats that ply this narrow river, only 30 feet wide and 3 feet deep. The Backs are just that – the back side of the imposing medieval buildings that surround the 31 colleges that comprise Cambridge.

It’s an easy, relaxing way to learn about the university, particularly if someone else is doing the punting. Developed over the centuries, several bridges now span the Cam. Nina and Justin thought the most unusual one was the covered Bridge of Sighs.

You can rent your own punt or pay for a chauffeur-guide – a wise alternative unless you’ve got college-age musculature. So we chose to punt with a guide.

We were both amused and educated about Cambridge in a very short time. Boats passed, filled with tipplers lifting glasses, while their punter did the heavy lifting. We saw a cow on the riverbank and heard a mash of Italian, Hindi, and English coming from boats named Steps to Heaven, Hat Trick, and (no surprise) Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.

Scudamore’s, like most large operators, provided cushions, blankets, and brollies (umbrellas) just in case. Remember it’s England.

Around Town

After we treated Justin and Nina to lunch at the nearby Galleria Restaurant with its two protected terraces that overlook the Cam, we watched the punts glide . . . as well as collide . . . while we dined on succulent roast lamb and portobellos with quinoa.

The Eagle Pub in Cambridge. All photos by Norma Davidoff or courtesy of Visit Britain.

Another day, we trotted off to an historic pub called The Eagle. It dates from 1525. This is an important landmark, as it is where university scientists Crick and Watson announced their discovery of  DNA – the secret of life.

We marveled at that while savoring butternut squash risotto along with other high quality pub grub. We chose to dine outdoors, but there were several rooms inside, too.

With all that verdant 700-year old grass, my husband and I decided to picnic one day. For provisions, we chose Cambridge Cheese Co. in All Saint’s Passage because it sells local cheeses and accompaniments.

We took our spread to a place on the Backs by Queens College. There were several other large greens we could have selected, as Parkers Piece, Jesus Green, or Christ’s Pieces are all welcome to picnickers. We almost caught a cricket game at the same time.


Justin had been a choral singer in college and was enthusiastically knowledgeable about the concerts in town. Choral and organ music are part of the Cambridge experience in several of its colleges: King’s, St. John’s, Trinity, Clare, and Trinity Hall.

Usually, free concerts are held in the early evening when school is in session. The music is both secular and religious with many varied events. King’s is renowned for concerts during Easter Week, the Cambridge Summer Music Festival, and Christmas Eve. Broadcast worldwide, that concert “is” Christmas for many Britons.

We checked the individual college websites to find out what was happening when we were there. St. John’s College, which resembles a wedding cake, was offering Evensong concerts, as well as jazz sessions. We were hooked and happy! We would have attended more, but there was so much to do and see in town.


We walked to the Fitzwilliam Museum to take in first-rate works of art in a grand building. A plus: no entrance fee. This museum is filled with treasures and is itself a treasure.

Magnificently outfitted with marble, wood, and elaborate ceilings, the rooms felt intimate, yet elegant. The museum offered easy-to-read explanations of culture and history, which made the exhibits more meaningful to all of us.

Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge. All photos by Norma Davidoff or courtesy of Visit Britain.

Fitzwilliam’s collection encompasses oil paintings from old masters like Gainsborough and Breughel, and Impressionists like Degas and Corot, to art by Picasso and America’s Larry Rivers. We took in Italian etchings, fine furniture, and more.

The natural world was of interest to my husband, so we hurried off to the University Museum of Zoology. It’s also free of charge, as are seven other university museums.

We scrutinized specimens donated by Charles Darwin from his voyage on the Beagle. There are skeletons, fossils, shells, and animals preserved by taxidermy – stuffed but not stuffy. We knew the museum by the large boned “creature” outside that looks like the remains of a dinosaur or some sort of abstract sculpture. (It’s actually a finback whale skeleton.)

Beyond the colleges lay other historic sites with contemporary joys. A rare, round church known as St. Sepulchre dates from the 11th century.

Near the tourist office on the town square is an open-air market that has been operating for centuries. It’s filled with local produce and foods along with witty British souvenirs.

All this and more make up Cambridge – a wonderful place to be!

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As a television producer and on-camera reporter, traveling to Asia, Europe, and around the U.S., Norma Davidoff got hooked on travel. She loved her work on television projects in Italy, France, Spain, Indonesia, India, Mexico, and Costa Rica. Norma liked nothing better than being on-location with a small camera crew, meeting locals to learn about their lives. Among many positions, she was producer/on-camera reporter for Newsweek Broadcasting, Director of Program Development for The Travel Channel, and Senior Producer for Ted Turner’s Better World Society. She is particularly proud of her work in public television in its infancy. These days, she writes feature and travel articles, many with her own photos. That has brought Norma to still more places to satisfy her curiosity about the world.


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